Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Learning Blog #8, Chapter 11

Diverse Learners in Content Areas

Diverse Learners: are those who might be at risk for academic failure and need special understanding and attention.  There are different types of diversity, cultural, racial, ethnic, physical attributes, language delays, etc.  The teachers must be prepared to deal effectively with these individual differences.  Classrooms these days are a big melting pot, so being able to be a flexible teacher is important.

Students with Special Needs
This is my area of expertise, and what I go to school for.  These students constantly need constant modifications, and assistance with their school work.  This population of students is also very diverse, because a student could need 100% modifications all day, everyday, or may just need enlarged text, something minor, but the educator has to know how to adjust for each specific student.  Inclusion is the idea that all students' have the right to receive appropriate education within the general educational classroom.  Inclusion is a touchy subject, as some educators do not agree with it, and some do.

Issues in Special Education
IDEA states that all children with disabilities will receive a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment.  LRE is the environment in which the student is in the place that they can learn the most, and be the most beneficial in.  The problem is finding the LRE, and there is so many issues in parents agreeing with educators, and vise versa about what the student should be doing, what their goals, are, etc. and that itself creates many problems in special education, just because it is a very controversial subject.

One of my classmates mentioned how unprepared she was with differentiated instruction, which I agreed with, all I knew was I would need to know how to differentiated instruction, but not HOW too, luckily it is something you learn naturally and get the hang of.  DI meets the diverse educational needs, learning styles, and interests of all learners in the inclusive classroom.  UDL is one way to implement DI.  UDL is the framework designed to guide the development of curriculum that are flexible and supportive of all students.

A lot of times, a paraeducator or assistant will attend class with the students in the general curriculum room, in case they need help or assistance.  There will also be times in the day when the students attend a resource time, and meet with their inclusion teacher and work on the core subjects they are struggling with, prepare for tests, etc.  That is why it is important the gen. ed teacher and the sped teacher collaborate well together because they will both be working with the student.

At risk students are students that are in danger of dropping out of school because of low achievement, usually linked to low socioeconomic status, etc.  I find this truly sad, because when a student is unwillingly forced to drop out, there is a high chance they will get into trouble, crime, and that is never a good situation.  To help at risk students, I think it is important to connect with them on a personal level to gain trust and good communication.

Before I knew that building positive relationships was a section in this chapter, I mentioned how that is a big key to working with special needs, low economic status, at risk students, etc.  Caring is a big concern for the life and growth of the student, and really understanding the student's feelings even if they are not apparent is important.

Although this chapter goes into greater depth than I am about students with low self-esteem, English learning students, at risk, special needs, struggling students, there is one common thing.  They are all part of a DIVERSE group of students that teachers will encounter through the years.  Most of the strategies you will use with one diverse group, you will use with another, a good thing about it is the strategies are universal.  Communication, trust, and patience will also be very important.

Some of the problems I hear a lot had to do with disadvantages of lower economic students, as far as technology goes, when so much in school is reliant on technology, when not all students have that they are at a disadvantage.

One thing I would do as an educator is not assign homework and assignments that require technology at home.  At the least, I would allow the students to use the technology in the classroom, and at home do parts of the project or homework that do not require technology.  Although I am young, I am old fashioned in the sense that I do not think technology needs to be a part of EVERYTHING.

Another thing I will try to do myself, to help drop out rates with my students, is be on a very, very comfortable communication level with them.  I want the student to know that I am their teacher, but also an advisor, friend, and helper.  I would definitely try to make my classroom exciting and give the students something to look forward too.  I would try and nip any negativity I see from the student in the beginning, and find the function of it before it is too late, and the student drops out.

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